
대한민국 창업정보의 모든것, 소상공인 창업뉴스

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외손녀 신고로 경찰에 조사를 받은 최진실의 모친, 정옥숙(78) 씨







작성일 23-07-13 20:51

정옥숙(78), the mother of the late actress Choi Jin-sil, has been investigated by the police as a result of a report from her granddaughter Choi Jun-hee.

On the 11th, a representative from Seocho Police Station revealed to Hankyung.com that Ms. Jung was arrested on charges of "trespassing" and underwent questioning before being released.

Ms. Jung had gone to an apartment located in Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul on the 7th after receiving a call from her granddaughter Choi Hwan-hee. This apartment was purchased by Choi Jin-sil during her lifetime and was jointly inherited by her two children, Choi Hwan-hee and Choi Jun-hee, after her death.

Although Ms. Jung had been residing with her grandchildren as their guardian and legal representative until last year, she had been living separately since Choi Jun-hee became an adult. Choi Jun-hee also obtained a separate studio apartment and it was reported that Choi Hwan-hee was currently living alone in the aforementioned apartment.

In an interview with The Fact, Ms. Jung explained, "Choi Hwan-hee asked me to take care of her cat since she had to leave the house for three to four days due to work. After that, Choi Jun-hee came in with her boyfriend and we ran into each other." Ms. Jung further revealed, "Choi Jun-hee demanded to know why her grandmother was there and said that this house no longer had anything to do with her grandmother, so she wanted her to leave immediately. We got into an argument and that eventually led to me being reported for trespassing."

The police intend to continue their investigation into Ms. Jungs charges by conducting an interview with the reporter, Choi Jun-hee.

This is not the first time that conflicts between Choi Jun-hee and Ms. Jung have become public. In August 2017, Choi Jun-hee posted on her Instagram about the physical and verbal abuse she had suffered from Ms. Jung, which had caused her to struggle with depression and even consider extreme measures. She also disclosed that Ms. Jung opposed her participation in an audition program, stating, "The spirits [referring to Choi Jin-sil] told me that if I become a celebrity, I would make the same choices as her."

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