
대한민국 창업정보의 모든것, 소상공인 창업뉴스

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HMM, 보유 선박의 99%가 IMO의 탄소집약도지수(CII)를 충족







작성일 23-07-24 13:28

HMM, 99% of its owned ships meet IMOs CII (Carbon Intensity Indicator) regulations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, announced on the 24th.

CII is a numerical value that quantifies the amount of carbon dioxide emitted when transporting 1 ton of cargo over 1 nautical mile (1852m) using ship operation information such as fuel usage and travel distance. Based on this years operational performance, IMO will implement CII grades for ships weighing over 5000 tons next year to manage carbon emissions. Ships are assigned grades from A to E, and ships that receive D grades for three consecutive years or E grades for one year may have their operations restricted until they receive approval for corrective plans in line with C grades.

To comply with CII regulations, HMM has developed and operates its own CII simulation and monitoring system. Based on the operational performance for the first half of this year, HMM recently requested verification from the certification organization Korean Register (KR). The verification results showed that 99% of HMMs own 67 ships, excluding only one vessel, received preliminary judgments for suitable A to D grades. The bulk carrier that received an E grade can improve its grade through measures such as adjusting speed and using biofuels.

This achievement significantly surpasses the global average. IMO predicts that A to B grades will account for 35% of the global fleet, and D to E grades will also be at 35%. In contrast, HMM has 69% A to B grades and 13% D to E grades.

HMM attributes its high grades to ship energy efficiency management based on advanced data and the establishment of operation plans tailored to route characteristics. They have actively worked on energy-saving measures such as reducing port stay time by 11.1% compared to before and replacing low-speed operation and high-efficiency propellers. HMM also plans to actively comply with CII regulations by expanding the use of biofuels and using premium coatings that reduce hull resistance in the future...





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